Archived articles


Book review: Katrin Pahl's 'Sex Changes with Kleist'
Published Fall 2019
Heinrich von Kleist was ahead of his time in his considerations of gender and theater / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Green all over
Published Summer 2019
In 'Slime,' author Ruth Kassinger gives life-sustaining, omnipresent—and sometimes villainous—algae their long overdue star turn / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Exploring the history of silence and film
Published Summer 2019
Meredith Ward explores what moviegoing has sounded like from the tumultuous days of the early silent cinema through the modern experience of watching media on a smartphone with earbuds in public / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Alum Aaron Shulman shares the tragic, infamous story of the Panero family
Published Summer 2019
Alum Aaron Shulman shares the tragic, infamous story of the Panero family / Johns Hopkins Magazine
An engrossing history of the rise of coffee production in Mexico's Soconusco region
Published Summer 2019
An engrossing history of the rise of coffee production in Mexico's Soconusco region / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Talking with Meredith Ward
Published Summer 2019
Director of the Johns Hopkins Program in Film and Media Studies discusses her debut book on the 'sound' of moviegoing / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Book Review
Westward ho
Published Spring 2019
Historian Mary Ryan's new book is a fascinating look at what two American cities can tell us about 19th-century urbanization / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Clashing opinions
Published Winter 2018
'We Are the Clash' winds political history around the story of the band's final years / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Reading series
Lorrie Moore's truth is stranger than fiction
Published Oct 10, 2018
Best-selling author reads from her new collection of essays during her talk at JHU
Follow the money
Published Summer 2018
'Hollywood Math and Aftermath' is an original and illuminating exploration of commercial film and television production / Johns Hopkins Magazine