
Newest in Science+Technology

Artificial intelligence
Congressional staffers attend AI policy briefing at Bloomberg Center
Published July 26, 2024
Johns Hopkins experts recently briefed policymakers about the potential of artificial intelligence to advance everything from national security to medicine
Biomedical engineering
Using AI to measure brain pressure in neurocritical patients
Published July 22, 2024
Undergrad biomedical engineering project yields noninvasive method to measure life-threatening intracranial pressure
Biomedical engineering
A less burdensome approach to sickle cell treatment
Published July 18, 2024
A Johns Hopkins team has developed a gene editing approach that could make the treatment of sickle cell disease shorter and less risky, relieving some of the burden on patients
Mechanical engineering
New imaging technique could diagnose cancer metastasis
Published July 18, 2024
Johns Hopkins engineers have created an optical tool combining laser light and folded DNA to help clinicians distinguish between localized and metastatic cancers
Study addresses long-standing diversity bias in human genetics
Published July 17, 2024
Catalog of data generated by Johns Hopkins scientists includes groups traditionally neglected in research, should yield more accurate insights into genetic factors driving human diversity
Civil engineering
Driving towards equity
Published July 16, 2024
Johns Hopkins researchers suggest that emphasizing the societal value of AVs can positively influence public perception and support for their adoption
3 Questions
What U.S. policymakers should know about AI
Published July 15, 2024
Biostatistician Brian Caffo explains why JHU is hosting a briefing to help congressional staff learn more about artificial intelligence and its many applications
In memoriam
Renowned researcher Harihar Rajaram dies
Published July 15, 2024
Remembered as a dedicated mentor, Rajaram was known for his innovative use of mathematical models to understand and predict complex environmental phenomena
Faculty honors
Lauren Gardner wins Merck prize to advance pandemic tracking
Published July 10, 2024
Engineering professor receives Future Insight Prize for groundbreaking contributions to tracking the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to the development of AI systems capable of detecting and tracking future pandemics
Mechanical engineering
Surprising similarities between fish, pro cyclists
Published July 9, 2024
Research reveals fish swim in schools to save energy, just like cyclists in a Tour de France peloton
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