Archived articles


Public health
An early warning system for malaria
Published Oct 23, 2017 Video
Using satellite and population data, researchers hope to give public health officials more lead time
Promising anti-malaria strategies detailed
Published Sept 28, 2017
In separate studies, Hopkins researchers test bacteria that suppresses development of malaria parasite, genetic modification that boosts mosquito immune systems
Public health
Buzzworthy emoji idea
Published Sept 18, 2017
Mosquito symbol for social media would make it easier for health professionals to communicate about risks, research
Global Health
Netting a sustainable business model
Published July 20, 2017
After successful bed net campaigns in Ghana, researchers aim to create a thriving, sustainable commercial market
Video highlights institute's vital work
Published April 25, 2017 Video
A vaccine is urgently needed to prevent malaria, which affects hundreds of millions around the world every year
Infectious disease
Malaria Research Institute gets $10M grant
Published April 24, 2017
Funding will enable continuation of malaria control, elimination research in Zambia, Zimbabwe, DRC, South Africa
Bug off
A matter of taste
Published Oct 24, 2016
Changing 'flavor' of humans could help repel mosquitoes, fight malaria, scientists say / Hopkins Medicine
Micro management
Bacteria vs. malaria
Published May 10, 2013
Infecting mosquitoes with specific bacteria strain could help stop spread of disease / NPR
Diagnosing fever by a thread
Published Aug 31, 2012
Graduate students develop simple test to easily, accurately diagnose the underlying cause of fever, a common symptom of malaria, bacterial pneumonia and other infections
Discovering new channels
Published July 26, 2012 Video
For Nobel Prize winner Peter Agre, persistent curiosity led to key molecular discovery