Archived articles


Quantum materials
Researchers accidentally uncover new magnetic phenomenon
Published Aug 4, 2020
During the search for an elusive quantum material, researchers observe phenomenon in an experimental material that is theorized to occur when material particles 'remember' previous forms and behaviors
Basic science study may help stop harmful viruses in their tracks
Published June 4, 2020
Johns Hopkins biophysicist Stephen Fried will study the virus that causes COVID-19 and look for ways to block an important mechanism relating to viral replication
Materials discovery
The magic shop
Published Spring 2020
The PARADIM Bulk Crystal Growth Facility seeks to create materials that have never before existed. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Intersession 2020
Caffeinated chem
Published Jan 21, 2020
In "Roasted: The Molecular Gastronomy of Coffee" students learn the art and science behind what makes their coffee taste the way it does
Chemistry of cosmetics
Published Jan 29, 2019 Video
Course traces the principles of organic chemistry that underlie popular beauty products
Faculty honors
Materials scientist named Sloan Fellow
Published Feb 21, 2017
Rebekka Klausen receives early-career award for her work with silicon in creating next-generation technology
JHU chemist honored
Published Sept 21, 2015
Marc Greenberg receives Arthur C. Cope Late Career Scholars Award for his research on nucleic acids
Material manipulation
Published July 9, 2015
Project led by JHU chemist Kit Bowen receives $7.5M grant from DOD
Caffeine stirs memory
Published Jan 12, 2014 Video
Caffeine has positive effect on our long-term memory, researchers say
Local teens in the lab
Published Fall 2013
Baltimore teens traded the swimming pool for the lab as participants in the summer Biophysics Research for Baltimore Teens internship / Johns Hopkins Magazine