Archived articles

Peabody Institute

Green Fest
OrchKids host cleanup, concert
Published July 20, 2016
Second annual Green Festival takes place July 23-24 in West Baltimore
Artscape 2016
Star composition
Published July 12, 2016
Peabody alum Faye Chiao to perform Hubble-inspired work at Artscape this weekend
Precious cargo
Flight of the Gofriller
Published June 23, 2016
Famous cello gets first-class treatment on flight with Peabody musician Amit Peled
In memoriam
Conductor Gustav Meier dies at 86
Published May 31, 2016
He served as director of conservatory's graduate conducting program until his retirement in August
The deeper you go, the funner it gets
Published Summer 2016
Modern symphony orchestra may not be a raucous experience, but that does not mean fun has been banished from the concert hall / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Illuminating the weird
Published Summer 2016 Photos
A peek at some of the strangest items in the George Peabody Library / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Peabody Pop-Ups
Spring ensembles
Published April 29, 2016 Photos
Four troupes from Peabody perform pop-up concerts across Baltimore
'Rise' revisited
Published April 14, 2016
Peabody's Judah Adashi brings his choral reflection on America's civil rights struggles to Baltimore
'Requiem' by request
Published April 12, 2016
Peabody alum Jarrett Gilgore composes musical response to city's April 2015 unrest
Pushing against the rep
Published Spring 2016
Violinist Courtney Orlando didn't want to master the standard repertoire; she's forged a big career anyway / Johns Hopkins Magazine