Archived articles


Environmental Health
What's in your water?
Published Jan 29, 2020
Researchers discover that common water disinfecting method may result in toxic byproducts
Intersession 2020
Digging into Earth's history
Published Jan 28, 2020
In geology fieldwork Intersession class, students hike the mountains of the Mojave Desert to record and categorize rock formations to better understand millions of years of planetary history
Intersession 2020
Mission: Impossible (burger)
Published Jan 27, 2020
Intersession biology class all about fake meat ends in low-stakes, fast-paced cook-off to test students' recipes for meatless burgers
Global health
Map tracks coronavirus outbreak
Published Jan 23, 2020
The dashboard, built by a team at the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering and regularly updated with data from the WHO, CDC, and other sources, illustrates how the virus is spreading in China and beyond
Frontier Award
Mathematician receives President's Frontier Award
Published Jan 16, 2020
The $250,000 award, presented Thursday to Emily Riehl, supports Hopkins figures who are breaking new ground and poised to become leaders in their field
Parker Solar Probe
Behind howls of solar wind, quiet chirps reveal its origins
Published Jan 15, 2020
Small chirps, squeaks, and rustles recorded by the Parker Solar Probe hint at the origin of mysterious solar wind
Science history
A great Hall of science
Published Jan 7, 2020
In the earliest days of the university's founding, Edwin Hall made a discovery at Johns Hopkins that would change the study of electromagnetism forever
New image reveals cosmic 'candy cane'
Published Dec 18, 2019
Johns Hopkins scientist stitches together wavelength data to create composite image of the center of the Milky Way galaxy
Materials science
Students use new technology to identify a piece of JHU history
Published Dec 16, 2019
Students identify metal artifact in Homewood Museum collection as century-old part of building's roof
No two alike
Published Winter 2019
For decades, Wilson Alwyn Bentley took detailed photographs of snow crystals, effectively pioneering photomicrography. Today, his iconic images are a ubiquitous aspect of winter—thanks in part to a Johns Hopkins–trained physicist. / Johns Hopkins Magazine