Archived articles


Big winners
Sisu takes top prize
Published Sept 30, 2015
Med-tech startup, recent DreamIt Health bootcamp participant wins $100,000 'Rise of the Rest' competition
Top Tech
JHU startups vie for $100,000
Published Sept 24, 2015
Five Hopkins-affiliated tech startups among finalists in 'Rise of the Rest' pitch competition
'Rest' stop
Calling all entrepreneurs
Published Sept 2, 2015 Video
AOL co-founder brings his startup funding tour to Baltimore on Sept. 28
Medical ethics
Respect in the ICU
Published Summer 2015
JHU ethicists wonder: Is not doing enough to include patients in conversations about their care disrespectful? / Johns Hopkins Magazine
DreamIt Health
Startups show smart ideas
Published May 14, 2015
Innovative health-tech ideas on display as program participants pitch to investors, industry leaders
Women in technology forum
Published Oct 20, 2014
Panel including women in leadership positions at Bloomberg LP addresses need to support talented young women in STEM fields
Google news
Tech acceleration pact
Published Aug 7, 2014
Johns Hopkins one of 16 universities to partner with Google's ATAP group in effort to speed product development