Archived articles

Gun policy

The age of gun violence
Published May 25, 2022
Should access to firearms, especially the most lethal types, come with age restrictions? A Johns Hopkins researcher—and gun owner—pleads the case.
'Heartbroken, angry as hell': Policy expert says gun reform long overdue
Published May 25, 2022
After yet another mass shooting, where do we go from here? Johns Hopkins expert Daniel Webster discusses policy changes that could make America safer
Using his story to change the narrative on gun violence
Published May 25, 2022
Hopkins trauma surgeon and gun violence survivor Joseph Sakran calls for change after a gunman kills at least 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas
Gun violence
Study: More officer-involved shootings in states that dropped concealed carry permit requirements
Published May 16, 2022
"The trend of more states allowing civilians to carry concealed guns without a permit may be influencing the perceived threat of danger faced by law enforcement," says study lead author Mitchell Doucette
Report: CDC records highest-ever number of gun-related deaths in 2020
Published May 2, 2022
An average of 124 people died from gun violence every day in 2020, according to a new report from the Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Public health
New center merges gun violence research, policy, advocacy
Published March 30, 2022
Newly merged center to combine rigorous scientific research with public-policy advocacy expertise
JHU Center for Gun Policy and Research celebrates 25 years
Published March 8, 2021
In virtual symposium, the center announces commitment to racial equity and diversity in its mission and practices, a new endowed professorship, and a name change
Gun policy
Handgun purchaser licenses associated with lower firearm homicide, suicide rates
Published Aug 20, 2020
Comprehensive background checks alone were not associated with reduction in firearm-related deaths, according to Bloomberg School study
A focused approach to policing could reduce gun violence
Published June 15, 2020
Survey of residents in areas of Baltimore most affected by gun violence finds that "stop-and-search" policing isn't effective, erodes community trust in police; New report outlines recommendations
Gun policy
Firearm purchaser licensing laws linked to fewer fatal mass shootings
Published March 2, 2020
Laws that require in-person application or fingerprinting associated with fewer fatal mass shootings, new study finds