Archived articles

Gun policy

3 Questions
Guns and domestic abuse
Published June 28, 2024
Jacquelyn Campbell, a renowned expert in intimate partner violence, discusses the risks firearms pose to abused women and her landmark research that underpins a recent Supreme Court decision
Do guns belong in the hands of domestic abusers?
Published Oct 24, 2023
Kelly Roskam of the Center for Gun Violence Solutions discusses a major firearms case before the Supreme Court
Gun violence
Gun-related deaths reach record high in U.S.
Published June 6, 2023
2021 CDC data shows nearly 49,000 firearm fatalities, more than half as a result of suicide
Public health
Life expectancy is declining in the U.S. It doesn't have to be.
Published Dec 6, 2022
A new report authored by experts from the Bloomberg School of Public Health identify solutions to pressing public health concerns that are causing the average American life expectancy to fall
Oregon's new laws and the future of U.S. gun policy
Published Nov 28, 2022
A midterm ballot initiative requires permits to purchase guns and limits magazine capacity, charting a course for other states to put gun control in the hands of voters, says Hopkins expert Cass Crifasi
Gun control
Study finds significant increase in firearm assaults in states that relaxed conceal carry permit restrictions
Published Sept 21, 2022
A new study shows that certain provisions in conceal carry laws, such as restricting who can carry a concealed firearm based on past convictions, may reduce risks associated with civilian gun carrying
Gun violence
Experts: Repealing concealed carry restrictions will lead to more gun violence
Published June 28, 2022
During a media briefing Friday, experts from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions discussed the impact of the Supreme Court's decision to remove concealed carry restrictions in New York
Fact vs. Fiction
Debunking myths about gun violence
Published June 13, 2022
Evidence-based solutions to gun violence in America have been shrouded by misinformation and political spin. But experts from Johns Hopkins are setting the record straight.
What are 'ghost guns' and why are they risky?
Published June 13, 2022
Untraceable by design, the DIY guns are just as lethal as a traditional firearm and often made of the same materials. Alexander McCourt of the Center for Gun Violence Solutions discusses the inherent dangers of ghost guns and details current legislation surrounding them.
How do we stop gun violence in America?
Published May 27, 2022
Hopkins experts suggest steps the U.S. can take to address the epidemic of mass shootings in the U.S.