Archived articles


Her list gives others a lift
Published Aug 8, 2019
Lavontria Miché Aaron, a PhD candidate in earth and planetary sciences, created a list of fellowships, internships, and other resources for underrepresented minority and low-income graduate students
Dark matter may be older than the big bang
Published Aug 8, 2019
Mathematical model suggests dark matter may have been produced before the big bang during cosmic inflation, when space was expanding rapidly
Rocky relationships
2.5 billion years of breaking up and getting back together
Published Aug 7, 2019
A new study led by scientists at Hopkins shows how plate tectonics has evolved during the Earth's 4.56-billion-year history
Brain science
Study may shed light on age-related cognitive decline
Published Aug 5, 2019
In some older adults, fibers connecting the front and back of the brain have been damaged over the years, making it harder to recall information
Engineering innovation
Breaking bridges
Published July 25, 2019
Rising high school juniors and seniors compete in annual spaghetti bridge competition
3 receive Human Frontier Science Program grants
Published July 22, 2019
Prestigious international awards support research into the complex mechanisms of living organisms
Picture perfect
How APL helped the world see the first man on the moon
Published July 19, 2019 Video
As a young engineer at APL, Gary Whitworth played a pivotal role in improving the broadcast image of Neil Arstrong's first steps on the moon
Hopkins retrospective
Moon landing memories
Published July 19, 2019
As the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing approaches, Johns Hopkins faculty members who watched the momentous event live recall on what it meant to them, and to science
Pledge to give back
Published July 16, 2019
Founders Pledge encourages successful startups to pay it forward with support for current Hopkins entrepreneurs
Biomedical engineering
Device could expand access to lifesaving breast cancer treatments
Published July 16, 2019
Tissue-freezing probe developed by Hopkins students would offer an affordable, widely available alternative for women in low-resource settings