Archived articles


Outer space
Surer signs of life
Published Dec 8, 2020
Teams of civil space researchers at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab are developing a better class of tools for detecting signs of life on other planets and moons
Faculty honors
Five Johns Hopkins faculty named to National Academy of Inventors
Published Dec 8, 2020
Ramalingam Chellappa, Valina Dawson, Sharon Gerecht, Carol Greider, and Nitish Thakor are recognized for their inventions, discoveries, and breakthroughs that have made a difference in society
Fighting COVID-19: Using ultraviolet light to decontaminate CT scanners
Published Dec 7, 2020
CT scans are vital to imaging lung diseases including COVID-19, but disinfecting the machines between use is time consuming. One team of researchers may have landed on a solution.
Genetic sequencing
Johns Hopkins team develops software that cuts time, cost from gene sequencing
Published Dec 4, 2020
The open-source software has the potential to 'forever change how DNA sequencing is done,' according to computational biologist Michael Schatz
Biomedical engineering
JHU undergrads named finalists in global mask design challenge
Published Dec 3, 2020
The team, Polair, is in the running for the XPRIZE for their adaptable face mask design that includes N95 and anti-fogging clear mask attachments
Searching for signs of alien life
Published Winter 2020
In the podcast "Wild Thing," host and SAIS alum Laura Krantz searches for evidence of extraterrestrial life / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Gorillas' skeletal secrets
Published Winter 2020
The bones of gorillas, our closest animal ancestors, offer clues to the evolution of osteoporosis—and how we might be able to avoid it / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Trash to liquid treasure
Published Winter 2020
A team of Johns Hopkins engineers is developing a better way to recycle plastics / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Can AI catch up to us?
Published Winter 2020
Johns Hopkins neuroscientist Daeyeol Lee's new book explores the definition of true intelligence / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Data to improve global diets
Published Winter 2020
Developed in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins Alliance for a Healthier World, a new dashboard helps global leaders conduct complex analysis of food systems / Johns Hopkins Magazine