Archived articles


Fact vs. Fiction
Debunking myths about gun violence
Published June 13, 2022
Evidence-based solutions to gun violence in America have been shrouded by misinformation and political spin. But experts from Johns Hopkins are setting the record straight.
What are 'ghost guns' and why are they risky?
Published June 13, 2022
Untraceable by design, the DIY guns are just as lethal as a traditional firearm and often made of the same materials. Alexander McCourt of the Center for Gun Violence Solutions discusses the inherent dangers of ghost guns and details current legislation surrounding them.
What economists really do
Published June 8, 2022
More than just Wall Street types or stock market prognosticators, Johns Hopkins economics faculty and students apply their tools to address the world's most important issues
What's happening with the American economy right now?
Published June 8, 2022
Economist Laurence Ball discusses what factors influence rising inflation and what could trigger a recession
Gun control
Proven effective and popular
Published June 3, 2022
Johns Hopkins experts push back against narratives that suggest gun control in the U.S. is divisive and ineffective: 'Gun policy is mostly political among politicians.'
Black beyond data
Published June 2, 2022
Historian Jessica Marie Johnson leads several teams tapping into the power of datasets to uncover new truths about Black history
How do we stop gun violence in America?
Published May 27, 2022
Hopkins experts suggest steps the U.S. can take to address the epidemic of mass shootings in the U.S.
The age of gun violence
Published May 25, 2022
Should access to firearms, especially the most lethal types, come with age restrictions? A Johns Hopkins researcher—and gun owner—pleads the case.
'Heartbroken, angry as hell': Policy expert says gun reform long overdue
Published May 25, 2022
After yet another mass shooting, where do we go from here? Johns Hopkins expert Daniel Webster discusses policy changes that could make America safer
Using his story to change the narrative on gun violence
Published May 25, 2022
Hopkins trauma surgeon and gun violence survivor Joseph Sakran calls for change after a gunman kills at least 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas