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The Democracy Project
Johns Hopkins scholars examine the past, present, and future of American democracy, looking for clear signs of peril, threads of hope, and perhaps a shared vision for a better, more inclusive republic
The future of democracy as a system of government is increasingly uncertain. With a rise of populist forces globally and many existing democracies in regression, liberty itself seems under assault. In the United States, a diminished or warped democracy could have far-reaching repercussions for voting rights, the rule of law, education, the application of science, immigration, citizenship, and long-held societal norms we take for granted.
As we near an election in which many of the defining principles of democracy seem to hang in the balance—an array of Johns Hopkins experts will share their greatest hopes, their deepest fears, and their informed insights on the state of America’s democratic experiment.
Photography by Will Kirk | Illustration by Melinda Beck