Archived articles


Home schooled?
An equation for success
Published June 10, 2014
Research shows link between affordable housing and children's intellectual ability
'The long shadow'
Study explores how early years affect children's lives
Published June 2, 2014
Johns Hopkins sociologist Karl Alexander and his fellow researchers tracked 790 Baltimore children for a quarter century
Move out, move up
Published Summer 2014
Can families living in impoverished communities improve their situations if they receive assistance to move to better neighborhoods? / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Living different dreams
Published April 9, 2014
Minorities take more pride in owning a home, but they are also more likely to be dissatisfied with their neighborhood
Leaving here
New home, new outlook
Published March 21, 2014
Escaping poor neighborhoods can change a family's perspective, study suggests
Too poor to part?
Recession suppression
Published Jan 29, 2014
Recent U.S. divorce rate trend has 'faint echo' of Depression-era pattern, JHU sociologist says
A tax on being poor
Published March 11, 2013
JHU sociologist Katherine Newman examines regional disparities in how Americans are taxed / The New York Times
Ownership society among slaves
Published Spring 2013
Historian Dylan Penningroth argues that allowing slaves to own property was less about leniency and more about self-interest / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Space over safety?
Published Jan 10, 2013
Low-income families make tradeoffs between dwelling size, neighborhood safety when choosing where to live, research shows
Children of U.S. immigrants outperforming their peers
Published Sept 13, 2012
They fare better academically, make smoother transitions to adulthood, Johns Hopkins sociologists find