Archived articles

Social media

Digital media+Discourse
Outrage overload?
Published Sept 25, 2019
Yale psychologist Molly Crockett shares insights from her work suggesting social media—and its encouragement of moral outrage in particular—may be changing our brains
Mental health
Social media use may pose mental health risks for teens
Published Sept 11, 2019
Social media use by adolescents linked to behaviors that may indicate mental health problems such as social withdrawal and difficulty coping with anxiety or depression
Democracy Dialogues
Big tech, China, and the new age of activism
Published April 19, 2019
Zeynep Tufekci and Alec Ross discuss the complex intersection of technology and democracy at event hosted by SNF Agora Institute
Social media
Regulations harm influencers, marketers, followers
Published April 15, 2019
Carey Business School study shows how regulations meant to protect consumers may actually cause feeds to be flooded with ads
Wading into the Twittersphere
Published Spring 2019
Increasingly, scholars are turning to Twitter for sharing research and engaging with the public / Johns Hopkins Magazine
On tech and democracy
Published Feb 11, 2019
Technosociologist Zeynep Tufekci joins author, innovator Alec Ross tonight for "Democracy Dialogues"
Substance abuse
Missed opportunities in overdose coverage
Published Jan 14, 2019
Only 216 of the 42,500 news reports about Demi Lovato's alleged overdose included mention of national addiction hotline, 1-800-662-HELP
History class meets the digital age
Published Nov 7, 2018
JHU historian Martha Jones conducts required class discussions on Twitter, challenging her students to distill their thoughts and engage with subject-matter experts
Public health
Buzzworthy emoji idea
Published Sept 18, 2017
Mosquito symbol for social media would make it easier for health professionals to communicate about risks, research
Media literacy
Confronting the real problem of fake news
Published July 12, 2017
NPR broadcaster, digital media strategist tackle media literacy in Johns Hopkins webinar