Archived articles

Planetary science

Planetary science
Planets with oxygen don't necessarily have life
Published Dec 17, 2018
In simulations of planetary atmospheres, researchers successfully create both organic compounds and oxygen, absent of life
Distant planet vanishing at record speed
Published Dec 13, 2018
Hubble's discovery of a rare Neptune-sized exoplanet 96 light-years away will help astronomers understand how planets evolve
Planetary science
Exoplanet expert named BDP
Published July 30, 2018
David Sing, who heads the largest Hubble research program on exoplanets, will hold appointments in two departments within the Krieger School
Planetary science
Super-Earth science
Published April 26, 2018
First-of-their-kind simulations offer insight into what previously had been limited to theoretical calculations
Studying stress-resistant extremophiles
Published March 5, 2018
Understanding how tiny microbes thrive in harsh environments could lead to better treatments for human diseases
Planetary science
From comets come planets
Published Oct 20, 2017
Planetary scientist at the Applied Physics Lab finds evidence of planetary formation in other solar systems
A whole new world?
Published Aug 29, 2016
Planetary scientist Sarah Hörst discusses discovery of Earth-like planet in nearby Proxima Centauri system