Archived articles

Planetary science

Nearby exoplanet reeks of rotten eggs
Published July 8, 2024
Johns Hopkins astronomers sniffed out the stinky atmosphere with Webb Telescope
Webb telescope reveals asteroid collision in neighboring star system
Published June 10, 2024
The observations spotlight the volatile processes that shape star systems like our own, offering a unique glimpse into the primordial stages of planetary formation
First glimpse of an exoplanet interior
Published May 20, 2024
Methane found in WASP-107 b reveals core mass, turbulent skies, and other key insights in the search for habitable worlds beyond our solar system
Planetary health
New institute aims to safeguard human health on a changing planet
Published April 2, 2024
Institute for Planetary Health will bridge multiple disciplines to address how changes to Earth's environment are affecting human health
Space exploration
A bigger, bolder moon shot
Published Spring 2024
NASA's ambitious moon return involves plans to build a long-term human presence in the solar system / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Planetary science
Interstellar signal linked to aliens was actually just a truck
Published March 7, 2024
The findings from a Johns Hopkins University-led team raise doubts that materials pulled last year from the ocean are alien materials from a 2014 meteor fireball
Clearer views of distant water worlds
Published Nov 27, 2023
Research by Hopkins scientists will help model how water exoplanets form and evolve—findings that could help in the search for life beyond our solar system
Ancient proteins offer new clues about origins of life on Earth
Published Feb 27, 2023
In early Earth simulation co-led by Hopkins researchers, scientists gain insights into how amino acids shaped the genetic code of ancient microorganisms
Rocky relationships
2.5 billion years of breaking up and getting back together
Published Aug 7, 2019
A new study led by scientists at Hopkins shows how plate tectonics has evolved during the Earth's 4.56-billion-year history
Planetary science
Planets with oxygen don't necessarily have life
Published Dec 17, 2018
In simulations of planetary atmospheres, researchers successfully create both organic compounds and oxygen, absent of life