Archived articles

Physics and astronomy

Particle physics
Reflecting on a revolutionary discovery
Published July 5, 2022
July 4 marked the 10th anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson, a key piece in understanding particle physics
New clues suggest how hot Jupiters form
Published June 10, 2022
Johns Hopkins astronomers discover new way of determining the relative age of exoplanets and prove there are multiple ways these planets form
Faculty honors
Jeremy D. Brown, Danielle Speller named Sloan Research Fellows
Published Feb 15, 2022
Jeremy D. Brown and Danielle Speller received Sloan Research Fellowships, which honor exceptional early-career science researchers
In memoriam
Astronomer Paul Feldman, a pioneer of comet science, dies at 82
Published Jan 31, 2022
He led the development of the field of comet UV spectroscopy and is remembered for his leadership, wit, and wisdom
Department of Physics and Astronomy receives $50M gift
Published Dec 16, 2021
Donation from legendary investor Bill Miller will support expanded research into emerging subfields of study, help attract promising young researchers
Quantum materials
Researchers find a semimetal that clings to a quantum precipice
Published May 27, 2021
The semimetal—one part cerium, four parts ruthenium, and six parts tin—seems to be naturally quantum critical, meaning it sits at the edge of multiple phases of matter
Outer space
New models reveal Saturn's hidden regions
Published May 6, 2021
Researchers simulate conditions necessary for planet's unique magnetic field
Hubble sees double
Published April 28, 2021
Grad student Hsiang-Chih Hwang helps refine the technique for identifying quasar pairs
Cell behavior
Cells walk microscopic tightrope in new study of cell behavior
Published March 23, 2021
The findings shed light on the behaviors of cells in certain environments and may have implications for drug research
Making stuff up
Published Dec 22, 2020
The PARADIM Bulk Crystal Growth Facility makes the materials of tomorrow with the help of some very specialized, very hot furnaces