Archived articles


Study confirms key details of extreme stellar behavior
Published Dec 18, 2024
Telescope observations of more than 26,000 dying stars match theories of hotter, puffier white dwarfs
Materials science
Liquid crystals could revolutionize robots of the future
Published March 4, 2024
Robots, cameras could be made of liquid crystals, thanks to a new discovery that significantly expands the potential of the chemicals already common in computer displays
Faculty Honors
Two physics professors receive funding from Simons Foundation
Published Sept 13, 2023
They are among 16 researchers recognized for innovative strides in mathematics, physics, astrophysics, and computer science
Quantum physics
Magnets in flux
Published Aug 18, 2022
Researchers at the Institute for Quantum Matter prove that mechanically manipulating a certain type of metal can change its magnetic properties, ushering in new applications for the rare and underutilized field of piezomagnetism
Engineer co-authors paper investigating experiences of LGBTQ+ physicists
Published March 16, 2022
The climate study finds that LGBTQ+ respondents working in physics fields reported experiencing and witnessing 'alarming high rates' of harassment, homophobia, and shunning
Physics pioneer
Published Summer 2021
Physicist Jami Valentine Miller created African American Women in Physics,, to celebrate her colleagues / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Alumni spotlight
Physics pioneer
Published Feb 26, 2021
Since becoming the first Black woman to earn a PhD in physics at Johns Hopkins, Miller has tracked the successes and achievements of Black women in physics
Theoretical physicist brings science to the people with YouTube series
Published Nov 4, 2020 Video
Johns Hopkins' Jared Kaplan partners with Scientific American for a series that aims to make complex science accessible for a general audience
Johns Hopkins astrophysicists observe long-theorized quantum phenomena
Published July 30, 2020
A team led by students probes the mass-radius relation of white dwarf stars, observing in their data evidence of quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of general relativity
Take that, flat universers
Published Spring 2020
Cosmologist Joseph Silk's recent analysis of the cosmic microwave background suggests that maybe, just maybe, the universe could be a curved sphere / Johns Hopkins Magazine