Archived articles


Black holes block new stars
Published Oct 22, 2014
Heat from fast-moving particles prevents cooling that creates new stars, study suggests
Universal knowledge
Award for astrophysicist
Published Oct 15, 2014
Brice Ménard recognized by Packard Fellowship program as one of nation's most innovative young scientists
Leaky, star-forming galaxies help Johns Hopkins researchers better understand how universe evolved
Published Oct 10, 2014
Researchers measured radiation leaks in an effort to better understand how the universe evolved
Light reading
Stardust mystery solved?
Published Aug 14, 2014
New Milky Way maps could give astronomers insight into interstellar material that causes dark bands in starlight
Star bucks
Theoretical physicist honored
Published July 25, 2014
Marc Kamionkowski will receive up to $1M from the Simons Foundation to support his work
CLASS project
Looking back in time
Published May 27, 2014 Video
Johns Hopkins astrophysics team builds telescope to study origins of the universe
Big Bang breakthrough
'Cosmology's missing link' discovered
Published March 18, 2014
JHU cosmologist Marc Kamionkowski shares in excitement over Big Bang breakthrough
Zakamska wins Pierce Prize
Published Jan 28, 2014
She was honored for work focuses on the physical mechanisms that govern the appearance, evolution of galaxies
Big (Bang) bucks
Published Sept 26, 2013
Johns Hopkins physicists get $1.3M grant to study early universe
Bennett receives Jansky Prize
Published Aug 15, 2013
Award recognizes contributions in the advancement of radio astronomy