Archived articles


'U.S. News' rankings
Johns Hopkins Hospital ranked No. 5 nationally
Published July 26, 2022
The hospital ranks No. 1 overall in Maryland and among nation's top 10 in 10 specialty areas
Pandemic analysis
Better data needed to defeat misinformation
Published July 25, 2022
Global COVID map creator Lauren Gardner and data lead Beth Blauer say scientists can reclaim public standing with better communication
Brain science
A cure for coma?
Published July 25, 2022
Researchers at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere aim for better diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes for a condition that still mystifies
A father's wish, a bioethicist's dilemma
Published July 25, 2022
A JHU faculty member recounts the agonizing decision he had to make for a parent unable to communicate with the world
Artificial Intelligence
Sepsis-detection AI has the potential to prevent thousands of deaths
Published July 21, 2022
A new system identifies patients at risk for sepsis to aid in the prevention of the illness, which is often difficult to detect and is one of the world's leading causes of death
Omicron update: The summer of subvariants
Published July 19, 2022
With five versions of omicron circulating, vaccines are working against severe disease, not against infection. Virologist Andy Pekosz tells us what to expect this summer and beyond.
Public Health
Efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 disproportionately affected women and girls
Published July 19, 2022
While the safety measures taken at the beginning of the pandemic saved lives, a full accounting of COVID-19's impact must include the economic, social, and health effects of pandemic response strategies
Health disparities
Inaccuracies in pulse oximeters may delay COVID-19 treatment for nonwhite patients
Published July 18, 2022
Black and Hispanic patients were 29% and 23%, respectively, less likely than white patients to have their treatment eligibility recognized by pulse oximetry
Mental health
How to talk about suicide
Published July 12, 2022
Journalist Aneri Pattani and suicide prevention researcher Holly Wilcox developed a free Coursera course for journalists and the public to learn best practices when discussing suicide
Preventing gun violence
How red flag laws reduce risks of gun violence
Published July 11, 2022
Extreme risk protection orders, also called red flag laws, are a way to temporarily restrict access to firearms during high risk situations. Here's how they work.