Archived articles


Johns Hopkins receives first shipment of COVID-19 vaccine
Published Dec 15, 2020 Video
Vaccination of health care personnel will begin Wednesday and will follow a prioritization plan developed in accordance with state, federal guidance
Risk calculator
Online COVID-19 mortality risk calculator could help determine who should get vaccines first
Published Dec 11, 2020
Calculator developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins factors in pre-existing health conditions and sociodemographic and environmental factors to determine individual and community-level risk
The business of delivering a pandemic vaccine
Published Dec 4, 2020
'COVID-19 vaccination will present one of the greatest logistics challenges in human history,' says Tinglong Dai, an expert in health care industry operations management and business analytics
When will pregnant women benefit from a COVID-19 vaccine?
Published Dec 1, 2020
The hopes raised by the rapid development of vaccines don't yet extend to pregnant women, but their safety and needs must be considered during vaccine distribution, experts say
Boosting diversity in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials
Published Nov 30, 2020
From the pandemic's earliest days, the coronavirus hit hardest in Black, Latinx, and Native American communities. Work is needed to ensure the vaccine will be effective for all.
Could COVID-19 vaccines become mandatory in the U.S.?
Published Nov 20, 2020
While there is legislative precedent for vaccine mandates, legal and public health expert Joanne Rosen says other strategies could help U.S. states achieve widespread vaccination for COVID-19
COVID-19 pandemic enters its most serious phase in U.S.
Published Nov 19, 2020
Amid record surges of the coronavirus, Johns Hopkins public health experts advise hunkering down to save lives in the months ahead
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine reaches clinical milestone
Published Nov 11, 2020
Two experts from Johns Hopkins assess reports that a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has 90% efficacy in clinical trials
The state of coronavirus vaccine development in the U.S.
Published Oct 7, 2020
Virtual symposium cohosted by JHU and the University of Washington brought together leading experts from government, media, and academia
Vaccine opponents unite around a 'civil liberties' argument on social media, study finds
Published Oct 2, 2020
Anti-vaxxer strategy shift on Facebook may signal a fierce fight over an eventual COVID-19 vaccine