Archived articles


Who eats when food is scarce?
Published Feb 13, 2017
Analysis of food deprivation in three cities shows teens in poor families often go hungry before young children
Public policy
Public housing and child well-being
Published Nov 29, 2016
Subsidized housing appears to boost high-performing kids but have opposite effect on those with low test scores, behavioral issues
How welfare failed millions
Published Aug 23, 2016
Welfare now less responsive to families who need it, drives people to live on 'virtually nothing,' poverty expert Kathy Edin says
21st Century Cities
Poverty and geography
Published Jan 13, 2016 Video
In JHU visit, White House official outlines Obama administration's efforts to address poverty
$2.00 a day
Stories of extreme poverty
Published Nov 10, 2015
JHU social scientist Kathryn Edin speaks about her new book
$2 a day
Extreme poverty examined
Published Oct 6, 2015
Book co-authored by JHU social scientist Kathryn Edin profiles the poorest of the poor in the U.S. / Marketplace
Love and money
'Deadbeat dads' study
Published June 15, 2015
Many low-income fathers support their children through gifts, not cash, research suggests
Long shadow of a poor start
Published Winter 2014
For 25 years, Hopkins sociologist Karl Alexander and his colleague followed the lives of 790 children growing up in a variety of Baltimore neighborhoods. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Leaving here
New home, new outlook
Published March 21, 2014
Escaping poor neighborhoods can change a family's perspective, study suggests
A tax on being poor
Published March 11, 2013
JHU sociologist Katherine Newman examines regional disparities in how Americans are taxed / The New York Times