Archived articles

Physics and astronomy

Hopkins experts discuss the total solar eclipse
Published April 5, 2024
Panelists encouraged viewers to witness the rare event on April 8 firsthand if possible, and shared the science behind what makes a total solar eclipse so special
Which came first: black holes or galaxies?
Published Feb 6, 2024
Black holes not only existed at the dawn of time, they birthed new stars and supercharged galaxy formation, a new analysis of James Webb Space Telescope data suggests
Could copycat black hole be a new type of star?
Published April 20, 2023
Though the mysterious object is a hypothetical mathematical construction, new simulations by Hopkins researchers suggest there could be other celestial bodies in space hiding from even the best telescopes on Earth
Simulations show aftermath of black hole collision
Published Feb 22, 2023
The work, led by Johns Hopkins researchers, shows how a remnant black hole sends gravitational waves like ripples in a pond
Webb reveals unprecedented glimpse of merging galaxies
Published Oct 20, 2022
The findings by Johns Hopkins University and an international team offer an unprecedented opportunity to observe how billions of years ago galaxies coalesced into the modern universe
Quantum physics
Magnets in flux
Published Aug 18, 2022
Researchers at the Institute for Quantum Matter prove that mechanically manipulating a certain type of metal can change its magnetic properties, ushering in new applications for the rare and underutilized field of piezomagnetism
Particle physics
Reflecting on a revolutionary discovery
Published July 5, 2022
July 4 marked the 10th anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson, a key piece in understanding particle physics
New clues suggest how hot Jupiters form
Published June 10, 2022
Johns Hopkins astronomers discover new way of determining the relative age of exoplanets and prove there are multiple ways these planets form
Faculty honors
Jeremy D. Brown, Danielle Speller named Sloan Research Fellows
Published Feb 15, 2022
Jeremy D. Brown and Danielle Speller received Sloan Research Fellowships, which honor exceptional early-career science researchers
In memoriam
Astronomer Paul Feldman, a pioneer of comet science, dies at 82
Published Jan 31, 2022
He led the development of the field of comet UV spectroscopy and is remembered for his leadership, wit, and wisdom