Archived articles

Global health

Global health
As COVID crisis unfolds in India, Hopkins rushes to help
Published April 28, 2021
The university is working urgently with partners on the ground to offer support and expertise to India, with efforts organized and led by the newly created Johns Hopkins India Institute
A bold new chapter begins for Hopkins and India
Published April 26, 2021
The Johns Hopkins India Institute leverages 90 years of groundbreaking work in the South Asian country to tackle health, education, and economic challenges worldwide
Data to improve global diets
Published Winter 2020
Developed in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins Alliance for a Healthier World, a new dashboard helps global leaders conduct complex analysis of food systems / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Hopkins faculty co-found new international society for global health policy research
Published Nov 10, 2020
They aim for public health policy experts from various disciplines to break out of their academic or research silos to enhance collaboration for the greater good
World health
Study identifies dire economic impact of COVID-19 in Africa
Published Oct 15, 2020
Survey finds decreases in food security and household income, while women report feeling nervous about grocery shopping in public markets, seeking health care
Earth Day 2020
Cooking for a cleaner environment
Published April 22, 2020
A project in Peru funded by the Johns Hopkins Alliance for a Healthier World seeks greener, sustainable alternatives to unsafe biomass food preparation
Now is not the time to ease social distancing measures, experts say
Published March 24, 2020
Amid talk of restarting the economy, Johns Hopkins public health officials and leaders urge the public to remain at home to slow the spread of COVID-19
Social distancing and 'flattening the curve'
Published March 13, 2020
Read the latest guidance from CDC and Johns Hopkins experts on measures to curtail the coronavirus outbreak
Study: COVID-19 symptoms start about five days after exposure
Published March 9, 2020
Bloomberg School study suggests a median incubation period of 5.1 days for the new coronavirus, affirming the 14-day quarantine used by the CDC and other health authorities
Health system readiness key to response
Published March 3, 2020
Hopkins broadcasts live webcast discussion about the latest developments in the global COVID-19 outbreak