Archived articles


Toxic tax remedy
Published Nov 15, 2012
The looming fiscal cliff, with four times more tax increases than spending cuts, would reduce growth, not debt, SAIS student writes / USA Today
Does America have a future?
Published Sept 10, 2012
Mandelbaum, Friedman take a hard look at the state of the U.S. in "That Used to Be Us" / The New York Times
The Euro 'doom loop'
Published Fall 2012
SAIS' Erik Jones has a risk-free investment idea to save the eurozone / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Betting on population bomb
Published Fall 2012
How the world will respond to rapid population growth is anybody's guess / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Promotion commotion
Published Aug 8, 2012
Promoters of concerts and sporting events don't tend to be big fans of the ticket-resale industry, but a new study suggests they should be