Archived articles


High income associated with masking, social distancing compliance
Published Jan 15, 2021
Survey suggests common public health measures such as masking, social distancing, and telework may be inaccessible or impractical for those with lower incomes
Managing your money during the COVID-19 crisis
Published Aug 17, 2020
Carey Business School wealth management expert Yuval Bar-Or discusses the disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street, urges a steady approach during a period of economic uncertainty
Study suggests less costly approach to pandemic economic stimulus
Published July 9, 2020
Carey Business School researcher Vadim Elenev offers an alternative economic model that would have achieved similar results to those of the U.S. pandemic stimulus but at a lower cost
What are you worth?
Published Summer 2020
In "Ultimate Price," author Howard Friedman explores the value we place on life / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Cash transfers to the poor linked to ecological benefits
Published June 12, 2020
Study finds that cash infusions to poor communities in Indonesia led to less deforestation of the nation's rainforests
'Reopening an infected economy is no shortcut' to financial recovery
Published May 19, 2020
Alessandro Rebucci, an economist at the Carey Business School, says in order to revive the economy, the coronavirus pandemic must be brought under control
How states can promote compliance with social distancing
Published May 6, 2020
Mario Macis, an expert in behavioral economics, discusses the perceived tradeoff between economic activity and public health, and how states can promote social distancing
An evolution of green policy
Published May 4, 2020
A recent paper by Hopkins political scientist Bentley B. Allan suggests environmental protection policies and clean technology mandates can spur economic growth
COVID-19 study examines how people respond to stay-at-home orders
Published April 2, 2020
After learning stay-at-home orders would be in place for less time than expected, Italians said they were more likely to comply with the measures
How to help an economy in crisis
Published March 25, 2020
Kathleen Day, an expert in financial crises at the Carey Business School, discusses the $2 trillion stimulus package currently before Congress and how it can help the nation weather the economic storm