Archived articles

Breast cancer

Pain relief from dog food?
Published Oct 4, 2013
Pet food preservative could ease common, painful side effect of cancer treatments, researchers say
Averting repeat treatments
Published June 26, 2013 Video
Johns Hopkins students' device aims to eliminate need for multiple breast cancer surgeries
My view
A 3-D weapon
Published June 2013
3-D mammography could lead to earlier detection of breast cancer / Gazette
Corralling cancer
Published May 7, 2013
Blocking single gene renders tumors less aggressive, researchers find / Hopkins Medicine
Coping with cancer
Published April 18, 2013
Simple steps can improve quality of life for cancer patients, School of Nursing researchers find / School of Nursing
Gene linked to increased breast cancer risk
Published Nov 28, 2012
Women with neurofibromatosis-1 would benefit from early screening, researchers say / Hopkins Medicine
Discovery sheds light on how breast cancer spreads
Published Nov 26, 2012
Protein 'partner' appears to play key role in progression of the disease