Faculty Expert Profile

Lauren Gardner

  • Alton and Sandra Cleveland Professor
  • Co-director of the Center for Systems Science and Engineering


  • Whiting School of Engineering

Lauren Gardner, the Alton and Sandra Cleveland Professor in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, is co-director of the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), where her research focuses on "bio-secure mobility." The research utilizes network optimization and mathematical modeling to improve understanding of disease spreading patterns and risks as a function of transportation systems, land use, climate and population demographics. She is a member of the Infectious Disease Dynamics Group in Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Gardner has been quoted in national and international media outlets for developing the first worldwide tracking map of confirmed case of the coronavirus COVID-19. She is a member of the Research Centre for Integrated Research Organisation.

Her work has resulted in several core methodological developments and innovative solution techniques which have progressed the state of the art in global epidemiological risk assessment. She has received research funding from organizations including Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Research Council, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Queensland Health Department, Transport for New South Wales and GoGet Car Shared. Her formulas have led to the prediction of where measles cases were likely to hit hardest in the United States and helped U.S. government officials prepare airports most likely to endure the biggest influx of COVID-19 cases.

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Faculty Honors
Lauren Gardner wins top biomedical research prize
Published Sept 28, 2022
Gardner, creator of the COVID-19 dashboard that became the world's most trusted source for reliable, real-time data about the COVID pandemic, wins the 2022 Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award

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