Faculty Expert Profile

Meredith Greif

  • Assistant Professor of Sociology


  • Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences

Meredith Greif is an assistant professor of sociology whose research focuses on the intersection of race, space and housing. She has demonstrated how homelessness and housing insecurity result from and perpetuate racial and economic inequalities. She is currently studying supply-side sources of housing insecurity, including landlords' business practices pertaining to evictions, harassment, property disrepair and discrimination based on race and source of income.

With funding from the 21st Century Cities Initiative she is exploring the viability of large-scale privatization of housing for formerly homeless individuals, and has also examined employment-based models of supportive and transitional housing for people who have been homeless.

Recent coverage

Hub coverage

U.S. faces looming affordable housing crisis
Published Aug 5, 2020
Johns Hopkins sociologist Meredith Greif discusses the shortage of affordable housing that existed in the U.S. before the coronavirus pandemic swept through, making everything worse

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