Johns Hopkins professor Daniel Webster, one of the nation's leading experts on firearm policy and the prevention of gun violence, is among the panelists scheduled to testify this morning in a U.S. Senate subcommittee hearing titled "Proposals to Reduce Gun Violence: Protecting Our Communities While Respecting the Second Amendment."

Image caption: Daniel Webster
Image credit: Will Kirk / Johns Hopkins University
The hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights—part of the Senate Judiciary Committee—began at 10 a.m. It will be presided over by Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois and can be viewed via live webcast.
Webster, a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and director of the school's Center for Gun Policy and Research, was among the organizers of last month's gun policy summit at Johns Hopkins. The event brought together leading gun policy experts to present the latest research on gun violence and develop consensus recommendations to help inform policy.
"I'm confident this summit is going to change things as we move forward to address gun violence," Webster said in his closing remarks at the summit.
Posted in Politics+Society
Tagged gun policy, center for gun violence solutions, daniel webster