Archived articles

Student Life

Computer science students create customizable search engine technology for young learners
Published April 13, 2021
The Searchin' search engine tailors results by reading levels that users assign
Humanities and research for all
Published April 13, 2021
Krieger School students share their humanities research with local community college students to build connections, inspire future humanities researchers
JHU once again a top producer of Fulbright awardees
Published April 12, 2021
As a new cohort from Hopkins prepares to join the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, take a look back at the students who have explored the world as Fulbright awardees
University operations
Plans for expanded fall return to campus detailed
Published April 9, 2021
Broad resumption of in-person activities for staff and students expected beginning in August; students who plan to be on campus will be required to have received a COVID-19 vaccine
From Levering Hall to living rooms: The Tutorial Project goes virtual
Published April 5, 2021
Now in its 62nd year of operation, the project has pivoted to virtually meet the needs of Baltimore school kids and rise to the challenges of teaching and learning during a pandemic
Women of Whiting symposium focuses on self-advocacy at work and in life
Published April 5, 2021
The two-day symposium, which takes place Thursday and Friday, is open to all and features a lineup of powerful women in engineering fields
Life Design
Grants from Life Design Lab expand access to summer experiences for students
Published March 29, 2021
Students can apply for up to seven grants to support immersive summer experiences such as internships and projects
Student campaign raises awareness of triggers of targeted violence, terrorism, and misinformation
Published March 23, 2021
The Check Your Bias campaign includes videos, social media coverage, a self-assessment tool, and events
GradPath Collaborative initiative aims to strengthen Hopkins' ties with HBCUs
Published March 22, 2021
Inaugural event this week will connect JHU affiliates with faculty and staff from Howard University, North Carolina A&T University, Spelman College, and Morgan State University
Welcome, New Jays!
Johns Hopkins invites 1,652 to join Class of 2025
Published March 19, 2021
They join 824 early decision students already admitted to the class