Archived articles


Study: COVID-19 symptoms start about five days after exposure
Published March 9, 2020
Bloomberg School study suggests a median incubation period of 5.1 days for the new coronavirus, affirming the 14-day quarantine used by the CDC and other health authorities
Earth and planetary sciences
More pavement, more problems
Published March 5, 2020
Study finds that for every percentage point increase in pavement and impervious surfaces, annual floods increase by 3.3%
Could a serum prevent COVID-19?
Published March 3, 2020
Infectious disease expert Arturo Casadevall looks to a forgotten case study for ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus / The Wall Street Journal
Take that, flat universers
Published Feb 26, 2020
Cosmologist Joseph Silk's recent analysis of the cosmic microwave background suggests that maybe, just maybe, the universe could be a curved sphere
Slithering snakes help engineers learn how to build better robots
Published Feb 18, 2020
Mechanical engineers design a snake robot based on the climbing technique of the kingsnake that could help advance search-and-rescue technology
State House honor
Capital congrats
Published Feb 13, 2020
Gregg Semenza received Governor's Citation and congratulations from both houses of the Maryland General Assembly for his 2019 Nobel Prize
Faculty honors
Zhaozhu Qiu named Sloan Research Fellow
Published Feb 12, 2020
Assistant professor in the departments of Physiology, Neuroscience at the School of Medicine studies an important class of membrane proteins in cells
Scientists discover fundamental mechanism for RNA regulation
Published Feb 4, 2020
The process removes tangled strands of RNA from cells, a discovery that could help researchers understand how certain degenerative and communicable diseases develop
Intersession 2020
Poker class bet wins big
Published Jan 30, 2020
Nearly 250 students registered for the class, which had lectures focused on strategy, Machiavellian maneuvers, and how to calculate odds
Senior awarded Churchill Scholarship
Published Jan 30, 2020
Vinay Ayyappan will study cancer imaging techniques in the laboratory of Cambridge radiologist Ferdia Gallagher