Archived articles


Student startup Relavo takes home $500,000 KidneyX prize
Published Aug 3, 2020
The award will support them as they work full-time on a solution for safer at-home dialysis—an issue they'll meet with greater urgency as the coronavirus pandemic makes in-person treatment riskier
PhD students, mentors win research and diversity fellowship
Published July 31, 2020
Three student-mentor pairs have received a 2020 Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study, which will fund their research as well as programs that promote diversity
Johns Hopkins astrophysicists observe long-theorized quantum phenomena
Published July 30, 2020
A team led by students probes the mass-radius relation of white dwarf stars, observing in their data evidence of quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of general relativity
Convalescent plasma: A COVID-19 treatment speeds to clinical trials
Published July 28, 2020
An old-school approach offers a fast, stopgap solution for a modern pandemic
Data collection during COVID-19 offers benefits—and poses hazards
Published July 24, 2020
As online activity rises during the pandemic, internet companies must strike a balance between data collection and protecting consumer privacy, says economist Itay Fainmesser
Space exploration
Despite pandemic, APL propels space missions forward
Published July 22, 2020
While APL researchers and engineers adapt to work remotely as much as possible during the outbreak of coronavirus, pockets of the Lab have no choice to but to move projects ahead
Connecting the dots
Published July 22, 2020
Through statistics and graph theory, Carey Priebe develops novel approaches to finding patterns in chaotic data, leading to important discoveries about international money laundering rings, human trafficking, and the Enron case.
10 cool things we've learned about Pluto
Published July 21, 2020
Five years after the historic New Horizons flyby of Pluto, scientists have learned that the planet is far from an inert ball of ice and is one of the most geologically active and exciting places in the solar system
Experts share strategies for safely reopening schools
Published July 17, 2020
Chief among the recommendations are practicing physical distancing in schools, providing federal funding to support schools, and ensuring community transmission of coronavirus is under control in surrounding areas
Is coronavirus airborne?
Published July 16, 2020
Engineer Peter DeCarlo discusses evidence of airborne transmission, particle behavior, risks, and why he added his name to an open letter urging WHO to revise their guidance