Hopkins researchers say the sensor combines accuracy levels approaching that of PCR testing with the speed of rapid antigen tests, could be used for mass testing at airports, schools, and hospitals
Researchers at Johns Hopkins had already been developing chatbots to combat vaccine misinformation when the coronavirus pandemic arrived, giving their work greater urgency
Mitra Taheri leads a multi-institution effort to expedite the development of breakthrough materials for the U.S. Navy to use in land, sea, air, and space operations
The climate study finds that LGBTQ+ respondents working in physics fields reported experiencing and witnessing 'alarming high rates' of harassment, homophobia, and shunning
Johns Hopkins experts, former CIA employees Michael Ard and Jack O'Connor will discuss the growing roles satellite, drone, and aircraft imagery play in intelligence gathering
Anton Dahbura from the Information Security Institute suggests that individuals and enterprises should take steps now to secure cyber systems against attack from Russian agents