Archived articles


Faculty honors
Two faculty members selected to join American Academy
Published April 28, 2022
Biomedical engineer Jennifer Elisseeff and political scientist Hahrie Han are among 261 scholars selected for membership this year
Johns Hopkins graduate students create a lymphedema detection sensor
Published April 28, 2022
Device detects fluid buildup in tissue and alerts patients and their doctors, potentially preventing thousands of cancer patients from developing the debilitating condition
Design Day
AI-powered board game can help reduce social isolation in older adults
Published April 28, 2022
The game is styled after Hasbro's 'Guess Who?' and features a virtual opponent who can carry on conversations
Brain science
Blind people remember language better than sighted people do
Published April 27, 2022
Researchers theorize that the area responsible for vision in sighted people may enhance recall or language processing abilities in people who are blind
Correcting an avian aroma error
Published Spring 2022
Evolutionary biologist Danielle Whittaker's new book sets the record straight on birds' sense of smell / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Indoor oceans for science's sake
Published Spring 2022
Opened in summer 2020, the Applied Physics Laboratory's new NAMI facility allows researchers to simulate real-life marine environments / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Oh, memories, where art thou?
Published Spring 2022
Recent research highlights the pandemic's impact on our perception of time and memory. Can we jumpstart new memories, or is this shift permanent? / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Giants of the genome field
Published Spring 2022
Bert Vogelstein and Ken Kinzler continue their decadeslong search for cancer's elusive cure / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Brain sciences
Study aims to unlock secrets of animal time perception
Published April 25, 2022
Neuroscientist Cynthia Moss and colleagues from around the world will design experiments to test animal cognition
Luke's swing
Published April 25, 2022
Johns Hopkins students design a platform swing that supports the posture and muscle growth of a child with a genetic condition that produces developmental, speech, and attention issues