Archived articles


'I just don't want to quit'
Published Dec 8, 2016
Author, farmer, activist Wendell Berry keep fighting 'to protect everything worth protecting'
President's Reading Series
'Tap dancing, blackness, and time'
Published Nov 4, 2015
British author Zadie Smith shares bits of her unpublished fourth novel, 'Swing, Time'
Funhouse experience
Published Oct 16, 2015 Video
Exhibition at George Peabody Library celebrates distinguished career of author John Barth
MSE Symposium
D. Watkins on activism, race
Published Oct 8, 2015
Baltimore-born author, JHU alum visits campus as part of MSE Symposium
Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz talks Dr. Thomas Dent Mutter
Published Sept 14, 2015
Her book 'Dr. Mutter's Marvels' examines the man behind the famed museum of medical oddities
Writer D. Watkins talks reading, politics
Published Sept 9, 2015
JHU alum's debut book, 'The Beast Side,' delivers an impassioned critique of racial inequality in America
'Difficult road for justice'
Published Aug 26, 2015
New book by JHU grad Ronnie Greene explores police shooting in wake of Hurricane Katrina
Feeling powerless
Published Winter 2014
Chris Nealon's new collection of poems move with a pop song's accessibility while freighting the emotional weight of a short story. / Johns Hopkins Magazine