Archived articles

Physics and astronomy

Outer space
New models reveal Saturn's hidden regions
Published May 6, 2021
Researchers simulate conditions necessary for planet's unique magnetic field
Hubble sees double
Published April 28, 2021
Grad student Hsiang-Chih Hwang helps refine the technique for identifying quasar pairs
Cell behavior
Cells walk microscopic tightrope in new study of cell behavior
Published March 23, 2021
The findings shed light on the behaviors of cells in certain environments and may have implications for drug research
Making stuff up
Published Dec 22, 2020
The PARADIM Bulk Crystal Growth Facility makes the materials of tomorrow with the help of some very specialized, very hot furnaces
Galaxies have gotten hotter as they've gotten older
Published Nov 10, 2020
As galaxies gather gases through their gravitational pull, they grow larger and heat up, allowing physicists to measure the gradual increase in temperature as a function of the age of the universe
Theoretical physicist brings science to the people with YouTube series
Published Nov 4, 2020 Video
Johns Hopkins' Jared Kaplan partners with Scientific American for a series that aims to make complex science accessible for a general audience
Faculty news
Two from Hopkins join national effort to advance quantum computing
Published Sept 9, 2020
Tyrel McQueen and Surjeet Rajendran join new Quantum Information Science Research Centers, developed under the U.S. Department of Energy
Quantum materials
Researchers accidentally uncover new magnetic phenomenon
Published Aug 4, 2020
During the search for an elusive quantum material, researchers observe phenomenon in an experimental material that is theorized to occur when material particles 'remember' previous forms and behaviors
Johns Hopkins astrophysicists observe long-theorized quantum phenomena
Published July 30, 2020
A team led by students probes the mass-radius relation of white dwarf stars, observing in their data evidence of quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of general relativity
Study: Dying stars breathe life into Earth
Published July 14, 2020
Researchers discover new evidence of how carbon emitted from distant dying stars contribute to the delivery of the vital element to other parts of the galaxy