Archived articles


Study: Inflammation, not the virus itself, causes COVID-19-related loss of smell
Published April 12, 2022
New research suggests the virus does not infect the nerves of the olfactory bulb but causes inflammation of the tissue, reducing the number of nerves able to transmit signals to the brain
Tiny disease trackers could allow doctors to diagnose and treat diseases more effectively
Published Winter 2019
Extracellular vesicles, clumps of cellular material that break away from cells, contain valuable biological information that could help researchers diagnose disease and target treatments / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Infectious disease
Schizophrenia linked with abnormal immune response to mono
Published Jan 9, 2019
Researchers say schizophrenia might alter the immune system to make patients susceptible to the virus, or the virus might cause the psychological disorder
Stem cell signal drives new bone building, study finds
Published Jan 8, 2019
The discovery is the first step in developing a stem cell therapy to help patients recover from bone fractures, spinal fusion, and osteoporosis
Spencer Grace's last gift
Published Spring 2018
Rapid autopsy procedures shed light on how deadly diseases develop and how they might be cured in the future / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Pathologist Noel Rose
Published July-Aug 2014
Professor is well-known for his pioneering studies on autoimmune thyroiditis in the 1950s that ushered in modern era of research on autoimmune disease / Gazette
Model behavior
Straight talk on cancer
Published March 11, 2014 Video
Model developed by Hopkins researchers could lead to better understanding of how metastasis occurs
Magnetic medicine
Tiny particles vs. cancer
Published Feb 28, 2014
Johns Hopkins researchers coax dormant immune cells into action to fight melanoma in small study / Hopkins Medicine