Archived articles


Surface scan
A closer look at Mars
Published Aug 1, 2016
Gullies on Mars likely not formed by liquid water, scientists conclude
Giant steps
Juno arrives at Jupiter
Published July 5, 2016
Spacecraft, with APL-built JEDI instrument aboard, will aid our understanding of the origin and evolution of Jupiter
'Missing link'
Unlocking Jupiter's mysteries
Published June 30, 2016
NASA's Juno spacecraft with Johns Hopkins APL instrument aboard will enter Jupiter's orbit on July 4
Air Force funding
Rocket engine boost
Published April 27, 2016
Hopkins Engineering group gets $1.48M to help create better rocket engines, fuels
Dark Planet
Why is Mercury so dark?
Published March 10, 2016
APL scientists believe carbon may explain planetary puzzle
New Horizons
Voyage of a lifetime
Published Jan 20, 2016 Video
10 years ago, 'New Horizons' lifted off on its historic mission to Pluto and beyond
Nothing but blue skies
Blue haze, red ice on Pluto
Published Oct 9, 2015
Color photographs from 'New Horizons' yield clues to composition of planet's atmosphere
Water on Mars
Instrumental observation
Published Sept 28, 2015 Video
Data from APL-built spectrometer show signatures of hydrated salts on present-day Mars
Moment of truth
New Horizons' epic voyage to Pluto
Published Fall 2015
Getting New Horizons to Pluto was a triumph. Now, after nearly 10 years and 3 billion miles, the spacecraft had to work. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Farewell Pluto
Stunning parting shot
Published July 27, 2015 Video
New images, data from New Horizons show layers of atmospheric haze, evidence of exotic flowing ice