Archived articles

Institute for nanobiotechnology

DNA nanotubes deliver therapeutics to glioblastoma tumors
Published Dec 20, 2021
Nanotechnology offers new route for delivering cancer treatments across the blood brain barrier
Venom makes a beeline through blood brain barrier, delivering medication
Published Dec 3, 2021
Researchers have determined the dose of bee venom that is non-toxic to neurons and can effectively—but reversibly—penetrate the blood brain barrier
Researchers partner with industry to create better gene therapy tools
Published July 15, 2021
A team from the Institute for NanoBioTechnology has streamlined the creation of new viral vectors for delivering gene therapy to patients
PhD students, mentors win research and diversity fellowship
Published July 31, 2020
Three student-mentor pairs have received a 2020 Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study, which will fund their research as well as programs that promote diversity
Stem cells shape up
Published Aug 16, 2018
Hopkins bioengineers borrow a process from the electronics industry to discover a factor in stem cell growth: cellular pressure
Cell biology
How old are your cells?
Published July 11, 2017
Determining cell age more accurately could help clinicians delay effects of age-related health decline
Brain science
Ultrasound delivery
Published Jan 24, 2017
In rat experiment, sound waves trigger release of drugs encased in nanoparticles 'cages' in brain / Hopkins Medicine
New leadership for INBT
Published Sept 23, 2016
Sharon Gerecht, Hai-Quan Mao will assume director, associate director roles, respectively
Distance learning
Published July 28, 2015
Student researchers collaborate virtually with help of open-source software
Current events
Electron twisters trapped
Published Feb 24, 2015
Scientists figure out how to use nanowires to contain vortices and keep supercurrents flowing freely