Archived articles


Space exploration
What makes a planet a planet?
Published Jan 23, 2018
Astrophysicist proposes an upper size limit on what should be considered planets
How fast is the universe expanding? Measurements yield different results
Published Jan 11, 2018
Nobel-winning astrophysicist Adam Riess says dark matter behavior could explain calculation discrepancy / BBC News
Breakthrough Prize
Big Breakthrough for Bennett
Published Dec 3, 2017
Johns Hopkins astrophysicist Charles Bennett shares $3M Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for groundbreaking WMAP space mission
Space science
'Monster at the heart of our galaxy'
Published Sept 13, 2017
UCLA astrophysicist Andrea Ghez will deliver lecture on supermassive black holes
Observing a one-star meal
Published Sept 16, 2016
Scientists find new ways to track stars eaten by black holes, promising to help paint a clearer picture of this cosmic phenomenon
Can one cosmic mystery help solve another?
Published Aug 24, 2016
Astrophysicists from Johns Hopkins propose using mysterious fast radio bursts to help detect dark matter
Space scholar
Nobel laureate Adam Riess named 22nd BDP
Published July 8, 2016
Astrophysicist won 2011 Nobel Prize in physics for his team's discovery that the expansion rate of the universe is accelerating
Space Studies
Universe expanding faster than predicted
Published June 3, 2016
JHU Nobel laureate Adam Riess says findings could shed light on composition of the universe
Space exploration
First for CLASS
Published May 19, 2016 Video
High-powered telescope peering into origins of the universe receives 'first light'
Hot out there
Why fewer stars are born
Published March 23, 2016
Evidence suggests radiation, winds from quasars significantly slowed star formation