Archived articles


Scientists discover genes to grow bigger tomatoes and eggplants
Published March 5, 2025
Johns Hopkins scientists say the innovation could bring 'new fruits, foods, and flavors' to an expanded global agricultural marketplace
Environmental health
Team targets safety of fertilizers made from wastewater sludge
Published June 25, 2024
Johns Hopkins researchers create new list of possibly toxic contaminants commonly found in biosolids nationwide
Environmental health
Superfood safety
Published Feb 21, 2024
Novel chemical analysis by a Johns Hopkins-led team provides insight into safety of Maryland-grown kale
How will we feed the future and save the planet?
Published Spring 2023
The world's food systems are in peril—but there's still time to act / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Farmworkers to table
Published Fall 2018
Greg Asbed and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers are changing the lives of Florida's tomato pickers. They're hoping to bring their Worker-Driven Social Responsibility model to other industries. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Fad or staple?
Published Winter 2016
The moringa tree has been hailed as the latest and greatest superfood, but that may not be its true value / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Vertical thinking
Farmers of the future
Published June 16, 2015
Urban agriculture startup founded by JHU students aims to bring 'vertical farming' to Baltimore
Food safety
Court ruling called public health setback
Published July 24, 2014
There is overwhelming scientific evidence linking use of antibiotics in food animals to rising antibiotic resistance in humans, experts say
Dirt secrets
Where does your garden grow?
Published April 3, 2014
Lack of knowledge about soil contamination could pose health risk for urban gardeners, researchers say
Birds-eye view
Sky-high archaeology
Published Winter 2013
Satellites provide a lay of the land to researchers studying archeological histories. / Johns Hopkins Magazine