Archived articles

Space exploration

Space exploration
Workouts in space
Published Feb 13, 2025
Jumping workouts could help astronauts on the moon and Mars, study in mice suggests
Space exploration
A bigger, bolder moon shot
Published Spring 2024
NASA's ambitious moon return involves plans to build a long-term human presence in the solar system / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Space exploration
JWST zooms in on 19 nearby spiral galaxies
Published Jan 29, 2024
Hopkins research scientist David Thilker explains how studying this treasure trove of images can help shed light on the star formation process
Space exploration
News flash: Study decodes secrets of impacts in space
Published July 18, 2023
By creating small impact flashes down on Earth, JHU researchers can better understand collisions in outer space
Space exploration
Supernovae are important source of dust for young galaxies
Published July 12, 2023
James Webb Space Telescope detects large amounts of dust in the aftermath of the explosive deaths of distant stars
Space exploration
Euclid space telescope data will shed light on evolution of dark universe
Published July 11, 2023
Three Hopkins scientists—Chuck Bennett, Brice Ménard, and Graeme Addison—are part of the science team that will analyze mission data
Space exploration
JWST detects distant exoplanet
Published Jan 11, 2023
Using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, a team led by researchers at Johns Hopkins APL confirmed the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf star roughly 41 light-years away
Space exploration
Our lunar future
Published Winter 2022
In his new book, astrophysicist Joseph Silk explores what the moon can offer humans over the next half-century. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
And spaceflight for all
Published Sept 13, 2021
The School of Medicine's Mark Shelhamer discusses SpaceX's upcoming all-civilian Inspiration4 mission and its importance for broadening human access to space
Going interstellar with a sun-skirting probe
Published Spring 2021
APL's Interstellar Probe will slingshot around the sun to explore the outer reaches of the universe / Johns Hopkins Magazine