Archived articles


Mosquito Identity Crisis
Published Spring 2025
Technology originating in the Johns Hopkins Center for Bioengineering Innovation & Design uses AI to rapidly identify mosquitoes / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Malaria research
Geneticist Jane Carlton named Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Published May 28, 2024
Carlton uses tools of comparative genomics to study the biology and evolution of different species of parasites, with the goal of eradicating malaria
Public health
Mosquito taste test
Published Fall 2023
Unlocking the mystery of why mosquitoes are attracted by specific human scents but repelled by others / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Global health
The chemistry of mosquito attraction
Published July 6, 2023
New discoveries by Johns Hopkins researchers about mosquitoes' human scent preferences could lead to novel malaria interventions
Mechanical engineering
Mosquitoes use specialized wing tones to buzz potential mates
Published Nov 7, 2019
Findings by Hopkins scientists about the aerodynamic and midair communication capabilities of mosquitoes' wings could inform the design of quieter drones and new ways of combating mosquito-borne diseases
Public health
Deliberately buggy code
Published Winter 2018
With the release of a mosquito emoji, public health organizations gain a valuable tool in the fight against Zika / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Sequencing a motherline
Published July 30, 2018
First-ever sequencing of mitochondrial DNA for An. funestus mosquito could yield new avenues for combating malaria
Byte-sized bug
A mosquito emoji takes flight
Published Feb 8, 2018
The mosquito emoji is among the 157 new characters coming to your smartphone this summer
Public health
Buzzworthy emoji idea
Published Sept 18, 2017
Mosquito symbol for social media would make it easier for health professionals to communicate about risks, research
Global Health
Netting a sustainable business model
Published July 20, 2017
After successful bed net campaigns in Ghana, researchers aim to create a thriving, sustainable commercial market