Archived articles

Infectious disease

The long road to herd immunity
Published April 30, 2020
Achieving herd protection can stop the spread of an infectious disease within a population, but as Bloomberg School experts explain, the U.S. is nowhere near that point with SARS-CoV-2, and getting there could prove difficult
Hopkins experts present latest coronavirus information on Capitol Hill
Published March 6, 2020
Experts discuss how COVID-19 is transmitted, how it is being tracked, and how governments, institutions, and individuals can prevent its spread
JHU prepares for potential COVID-19 impacts
Published March 2, 2020
Groups across the university plan for an array of possible challenges, including disruptions to classes, transportation, housing, work, and travel
Here's the Hopkins study President Trump referenced
Published Feb 27, 2020
The Global Health Security Index, issued in October by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, assessed 195 countries on their readiness to deal with the threat of an epidemic or pandemic. Overall, the results were not encouraging.
Global health
As coronavirus outbreak evolves, key questions remain
Published Jan 28, 2020
Jennifer Nuzzo, an expert in disease outbreak detection and response, discusses what we've learned in the past week about the virus that now infects more than 4,500 people
Global health
Map tracks coronavirus outbreak
Published Jan 23, 2020
The dashboard, built by a team at the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering and regularly updated with data from the WHO, CDC, and other sources, illustrates how the virus is spreading in China and beyond
What we know and don't know about coronavirus
Published Jan 22, 2020
Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, discusses the health interventions that work on a global scale to contain an emerging disease like coronavirus
Study: Viruses are leading cause of pneumonia in children
Published June 27, 2019
PERCH study, led by researchers at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, highlights the need for new vaccines, especially for respiratory synctial virus
public health
Analysis predicts U.S. counties at risk for measles outbreaks
Published May 9, 2019
New analysis predicts locations for possible future U.S. outbreaks based on international air travel, vaccination rates, population data
Global health
Researchers outline path to measles elimination
Published May 9, 2019
Where a country lies on the 'canonical path' could help officials identify at-risk populations and determine vaccination strategies