Archived articles


Faculty honors
Two Hopkins scientists win prestigious Harvey Prize
Published Dec 9, 2024
Stephen Baylin, Andrew Feinberg honored for their pioneering research in epigenetics along with Van Andel Institute's Peter Jones
How a worm's embryonic cells changed its development potential
Published April 7, 2023
The findings, which upend classical thinking about animal cell differentiation, could shed light on mutations linked to human diseases
Large-scale bovine vaccine study reveals the role of genetics in immune response
Published April 22, 2022
In largest personalized immunogenetics study to date, computer scientist Yana Safonova discovers the DNA sequences that control vaccine response in cows, opening the door for further immunogenetics research in humans
Faculty news
Synthetic biologist wins prestigious Packard Fellowship
Published Oct 15, 2020
Reza Kalhor, an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, edits the genetic code to enable cells to record their own growth—a key to unlocking the origins of developmental abnormalities
Decoding brain changes that coincide with psychiatric disorders
Published Jan 22, 2019
Scientists discover epigenetic variances in neurons in parts of the brain linked with addictive behavior, schizophrenia, and other neuroses
Biomedical engineering
A cancerous needle in a haystack
Published Oct 15, 2018
Device developed at Hopkins enables scientists to detect the presence of genetic changes that allow cancer to grow
Biomedical engineering
DNA inspector gadget
Published Feb 23, 2017
New open source gene sequencing software could aid in early detection, treatment of cancer
The nature and nurture of human illness
Published Oct 25, 2016
Scientists seek better understanding of how genetic, environmental factors join forces to cause disease
Interdisciplinary scholar
Carl Wu named 23rd BDP
Published Aug 3, 2016
Renowned expert on chromatin biology, biochemistry will establish new lab to investigate chromatin structure, gene regulation
An epigenetic key to a mystery
Published Summer 2014
A Johns Hopkins oncologist is uncovering clues as to why so many American men get prostate cancer and how we can prevent it. / Johns Hopkins Magazine