Archived articles

Earth and planetary sciences

Study examines role of sulfur in planetary atmospheres
Published April 7, 2020
Simulations reveal that sulfur can significantly affect observations of far-flung planets beyond the solar system
Earth and planetary sciences
More pavement, more problems
Published March 5, 2020
Study finds that for every percentage point increase in pavement and impervious surfaces, annual floods increase by 3.3%
Intersession 2020
Digging into Earth's history
Published Jan 28, 2020
In geology fieldwork Intersession class, students hike the mountains of the Mojave Desert to record and categorize rock formations to better understand millions of years of planetary history
The moon and mankind
Published July 17, 2019
Fall semester course taught by Hopkins postdoc will explore the impact of the moon on art, culture, music, and more
Curiosity Rover
Scientists teach an old rover new tricks
Published Jan 31, 2019
Scientists use the rover to collect the first surface gravity measurements on a planet other than Earth
Planetary science
Planets with oxygen don't necessarily have life
Published Dec 17, 2018
In simulations of planetary atmospheres, researchers successfully create both organic compounds and oxygen, absent of life
IDing Mars' dust
Published Winter 2018
Planetary scientists believe they've identified the origin of the powdery dust on Mars: a formation that could be the largest known volcanic deposit in the solar system / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Earth sciences
A volcanologist's view of Kilauea
Published June 13, 2018
Hopkins alum Thomas Wright, an expert on volcano hazards in Hawaii, discusses last month's Kilauea eruption
Planetary science
Super-Earth science
Published April 26, 2018
First-of-their-kind simulations offer insight into what previously had been limited to theoretical calculations
Planetary science
Atmospheric mixology
Published March 8, 2018
Planetary scientist Sarah Hörst creates the first lab-grown simulations of the atmospheric chemistries of distant exoplanets