Archived articles

Computer science

Computer science students create customizable search engine technology for young learners
Published April 13, 2021
The Searchin' search engine tailors results by reading levels that users assign
Computer Science
Dog training methods help JHU teach robots to learn new tricks
Published Oct 26, 2020 Video
Through the kind of positive reinforcement used to train dogs, a robot named Spot was able to learn a new task far faster than usual
Study confirms rise in demand for unproven, unsafe COVID-19 treatments
Published April 30, 2020
Comments by President Trump, tech entrepreneur Elon Musk correlate to massive increase in searches for chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine
Social media and COVID-19
Published March 27, 2020
Mark Dredze discusses how social media can help support messaging from public health organizations and combat the spread of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic
The outsize influence of anti-vax ads on social media
Published Spring 2020
A majority of the anti-vaccine Facebook ads came from just two groups, study finds. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Harmonious hacking
Published Feb 5, 2020
Peabody hackathon focuses on innovations in music composition, performance, and education
Intersession 2020
Poker class bet wins big
Published Jan 30, 2020
Nearly 250 students registered for the class, which had lectures focused on strategy, Machiavellian maneuvers, and how to calculate odds
Plays well with humans
Published Winter 2019
In the not-too-distant future, robots might assist us at home, school, hospitals, and workplaces. Roboticists and ethicists want to ensure they do so effectively, and help rather than hurt—even if it's just our feelings. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Data science
JHU launches new institute dedicated to data-driven discoveries
Published Nov 18, 2019
TRIPODS Institute brings together mathematicians, statisticians, theoretical computer scientists, and engineers to further the next generation of data analysis
Look what's missing
Published Oct 10, 2019
The reference genome, used as a representative sample of the human genome, lacks genetic material found in individuals of African descent