Archived articles

Bloomberg distinguished professors

Convalescent plasma: A COVID-19 treatment speeds to clinical trials
Published July 28, 2020
An old-school approach offers a fast, stopgap solution for a modern pandemic
Interdisciplinary scholar
AI pioneer named Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Published April 3, 2020
Rama Chellapa's work in computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning has a range of applications—including medicine
Key lessons for organizations responding to COVID-19
Published March 20, 2020
Kathleen Sutcliffe, an expert in organization theory, gives low marks to public and private entities for how they've responded to the coronavirus outbreak
Patient safety
Critical history of a failed push for patient safety
Published Dec 3, 2019
In her new book, Kathleen Sutcliffe explores the patient safety movement and why it has failed to deliver the gains promised over two decades of research, funding, and policymaking
Patient safety expert Kathryn McDonald named BDP
Published Oct 22, 2019
McDonald, a leading expert in health care quality improvement and health systems organization, will hold primary appointments in the schools of Nursing and Medicine